Thursday, September 24, 2009

Irish Movies - Stories From Home & Peacefire

Just saw the following films @ the Los Angeles Irish Film Festival last night. Gabriel Byrne was there for a Q&A. A interesting and fun night.

GABRIEL BYRNE: STORIES FROM HOME, Dir. Pat Collins. A revealing look at the life and creative impulse of Gabriel Byrne ("In Treatment"), one of the most respected actors of his generation. Using intimate interviews and extracts from his journals and diaries, this is an evocative and insightful film with universal appeal.

Plus "Atlantic," (Ireland, 2008, 4 min.) Dir. Conor Ferguson. A quietly gripping tale of a lonely farmer and the potentially life-changing letter on its way from the woman who loved and left him many years ago.

PEACEFIRE, Dir. Macdara Vallely. Colin (John Travers, SONG FOR A RAGGY BOY) is a joy-riding hood who couldn’t care less about the local political situation. But a chance encounter with a ruthless detective (Gerry Doherty) turns him into an informer for the so-called forces of law and order and a target for retribution for his father’s old mates in the Irish Republican Army. "...

Plus "Granny O’Grimm’s Sleeping Beauty" (Ireland, 2008, 6 min.) Dir. Nicky Phelan. A seemingly sweet old lady loses the plot as she tells her version of Sleeping Beauty to her terrified granddaughter.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sunday's Irish Music - Ronan Tynan's Ireland

Thanks to Andrea Antoniazzi Devlin - Friends of Ireland group on Linkedin

Friday, September 11, 2009

Sept 11 2001 - Never Forget - 8 Years Ago

An Irish Tribute and rememberence of Irish and Irish American lost on 9/11 and support for America's loss

Irish-American Writer William Kennedy Life Time Achievement Award

Irish America Writer William Kennedy given life-time achievement award. Read the full story @ Irish Emigrant Online

I remember reading all his books when I was in college......

Monday, September 7, 2009

Irish Movie - "At Swim - Two - Birds"

Here is some information on what sounds like an interesting Irish film heading in to production. The writer is calling the Irish acting team the" Pat PacK'

Check it out on irish Central

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Irish Movie - "The Commitments"

I just watched "The Commitments" again. What a great movie. One of my favorites. Makes me miss Ireland. Hopefully on my next visit I'll be able to spend more time in Dublin.